The Basics of Tax-Loss Harvesting, Ep #197
Don’t Let Recency Bias Destroy Your Retirement, Ep #196
Has recency bias affected your investment decisions, now or in the past? The Schwab BeFi 2021 study found that recency bias is the most common behavior that advisors believe impacts clients’ decision-making. 78% of Millennials, 75% of the Silent Generation, 74% of Gen X, and 56% of Baby Boomers suffer from it. But what is recency bias?…
Should You Buy I Bonds? Ep #195
What is an I bond? How do you buy an I bond? What are the risks? Are there risks? Who should buy I bonds? I bonds are a hot topic in the news because of the staggering high interest rates. So in this episode of Best in Wealth, I will answer these questions. I will help you decide if you are the right…