How Family Goal Sessions Can Move Your Family To The Next Level, Ep #186
Reflecting on the Past to Build a Better Future, Ep #185
This last year, when the COVID lockdowns happened, I took advantage of the space in my schedule to get started on a physical fitness routine, and I tell you, I made some great progress. It was a decision that benefited me in multiple ways and made me feel better overall. But once the pandemic restrictions…
Why Health Savings Accounts Are A WIN For Most People, Ep #184
Have you heard of Health Savings Accounts (HSA’s)? They are a government-approved tax savings tool that enables you to save money specifically for health-related expenses in a way that enables you to avoid paying tax on that money. So whatever tax bracket you are in, an HSA is one of the smartest ways to ensure…
Greenlight: A Great Tool to Teach Your Kids about Money, Ep #183
3 Tips to Boost Financial Satisfaction in your Marriage, Ep #182
According to Dixie Meyer and Renata Sledge in their article, “The Relationship Between Conflict Topics and Romantic Relationship Dynamics,” personal habits, communication style, household chores, finances, big decisions, quality time together, sex, parenting styles, and in-laws are the topics most married couples most frequently argue about. The three biggest things? Finances, differences in parenting styles,…