047 – Nine Elements of World-Class Wealth
What’s is world class wealth? A world-class inner life. Your outer world, who you are and the quality of your life, is 100 percent determined by your inner world. Your inner world consists of your peace of mind, the quality of your thinking and living authentically. Are you living your true values or doing things based out of fear…
046- Money with John Oliver (HBO) part 2
045- Money with John Oliver (HBO) part 1
044 – Quarterly Market Review Q2 2016
043 – Seven Roles of an Advisor
What is a financial advisor for? One view is that advisors have unique insights into market direction that give their clients an advantage. But of the many roles a professional advisor should play, soothsayer is not one of them. The truth is that no one knows what will happen next in investment markets. And if…