038 – Can you answer these 10 questions about your money?

10 basic questions absolutely anyone should be able to answer about their money By: Derek Olsen of Rockstar Finance It’s your money. Can you answer the ten easiest money questions ever? 2. How much money do you have? 3. How much do you earn each month? 4. How much debt do you have? 5. How…

035 – Top Ten 401(k) Pitfalls You Should Avoid

1. Not contributing anything to your 401(k) If your company offers a 401(k) plan with a match, and you are not contributing to the plan than free money is left sitting on the table.  Let’s say, for example; you make $50,000, and the company matches up to 6% of your salary.  If you are not…

034 – What is the new fiduciary rule everyone is talking about?

Once upon a time seeking out life planning, financial planning, and retirement planning was not necessary.  Our parents or grandparents worked one job until the age of sixty-five and then collected a pension and social security.  If we had a little extra money we bought financial products; stocks from a broker, whole-life insurance from an…