037 – Five changes You Will Make If You Start Tracking Your Expenses
036 – Where is the Best Place for My Retirement Savings?
035 – Top Ten 401(k) Pitfalls You Should Avoid
034 – What is the new fiduciary rule everyone is talking about?
Once upon a time seeking out life planning, financial planning, and retirement planning was not necessary. Our parents or grandparents worked one job until the age of sixty-five and then collected a pension and social security. If we had a little extra money we bought financial products; stocks from a broker, whole-life insurance from an…
033 – The 8th Largest Mutual Fund Company You’ve Never Heard of (but should)
Today is an educational episode about the mutual fund company Dimensional Fund Advisors. Most people have not heard of this company but did you know that it is the 8th largest mutual fund company and has been around for 35 years. Tune in today and discover why you need to know more about this little-known…