Charlie Munger’s Life Lessons, Ep #236
Charlie Munger was the Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and Warren Buffet’s right-hand man. He quit a well-established law career to become Warren Buffet’s partner, transforming a textile company into the successful firm Berkshire Hathaway is today. Charlie passed away last week at the age of 99. He was a prolific author and investor and…
The Average Net Worth of US Households by Age, Ep #235
Is American Household Wealth Growing? Ep #234
American wealth is growing—but you would never know it. Every three years, the Federal Reserve releases a report that summarizes the changes to family finances in the United States. The most recent report was released in early October 2023. What did it say? One of my business partners, Brian Cayon CFA®, CPA, covers it in his…
5 Life Lessons Kids Need to Learn, Ep #233
Will We See a 4th Quarter Rally? Ep #232
The S&P 500 was down 4% in September, continuing the downward trend we also saw in August. And almost ALL of the asset classes have been down the last couple of months. To address this troubling trend, my business partner, Brian Cayon, CFA®, CPA, wrote an article about the 4th quarter. So in this episode…