027 – Path to Your First Million Dollars

In this episode we talk about the two different paths people take to help accumulate their first one million dollars.   Work for the employer path There are two traits required for those that wish to accumulate wealth by working for an employer.  First, decide right now that you are going to be brave and…

026 – Why Should You Diversify?

Equity markets have experienced a sharp decline to start 2016, leading some investors to reevaluate their asset allocation. As US stocks have outperformed developed ex US and emerging markets stocks over the last few years, some investors might consider reevaluating the benefits of investing outside the US. From January 1, 2010, through February 29, 2016, the S&P…

025 – Are My Investments too Risky?

Are My Investments Too Risky? This week I discuss how to measure risk in a portfolio.  We because less stressed out about the day to day market once understand what risk means and how risky our portfolio is.  Do you understand risk as it pertains to investing?  Do you know how to measure risk in…

024 – Six Characteristics of Real Wealth Achievers

Six Characteristics of Real Wealth Achievers In this episode, we discuss the six features that real wealth achievers possess.  If you want to achieve real wealth, it is time to work on these six components.  Please join us in this episode to learn more about the following real wealth characteristics. Goal setter Attitude Confidence Focus…

023 – Seven Most Common Retirement Dreams

Seven most common retirement dreams A lot of people want to retire because they are sick of their job.  They don’t wish to go to their office, cubical or assembly line one more day so doing anything besides going to the job they hate will do.  Because of this phenomenon proper life planning does not…